
Hi my Name is Aakash Rajpal. This webpage will showcase the work done throughout the summer and code generated during GSoC 2016.


The project aims to develop an interactive Heads up Display (HUD) on the OCULUS RIFT for the V-ERAS Simulation. Once the interactive semi-transparent interface is implemented on the existing V-ERAS simulation environment it should display data from the Habitat Monitoring Client. A portion of the project will aim at making the HUD highly interactive and recognize touchless hand and body gestures through Leap Motion Controller.

Deliverables achieved

Short Demo video of my work

Work Done (Links to my code)

Other Links

Challenging part

Future Scope


I'm indebted to Python Software Foundation and Italian Mars Society for giving me the oppurtuniity of working on this project. I would like to thank my mentors Antonio Dal Mastro and Ambar Mehrotra for guiding me throughout the project.
Atlast I would like to thank Google :D.
